jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

How I found Neat...
Juan Francisco Hernández Suárez

(Juan Fran)

Juan Fran tells us how he found this company or maybe how this company found him...
In April 2006, I was studying a Master in Software Engineering at the University of Salamanca campus Madrid; the director of the Master was Juan Ignacio Cabanillas (Nacho).

Nacho told the student group of the master that in the company where he worked there had been vacancies in computer support for a project in the company Eulen Sociosanitarios. 

I was selected to participate in this technical support project as an intern; there I had the opportunity to get to know the Telecare System ... NEAT. 

After completing the technical support project in Eulen, I continued working in the company PC compatible (that was the company´s name before being  Neat Group).

It was a full-time job in the Repair Department and in the installations and configuration of mobile devices of internal systems and Telecare.

Since then, I am part of the great NEAT GROUP family.

In April of 2006, my adventure in NEAT began.

Juan Francisco Hernández Suárez